Solar FAQs

How much does it cost to go solar?

Believe it or not you can actually get paid to go solar. You can finance a solar system from us with $0 down and payments at a fraction of your current electric payment. Plus there are huge tax incentives right now. Our average customer can expect a $10,000 tax credit and up to a $1,000 cash rebate for a new solar system.

If you are interested in seeing what you qualify for, you can click here and see how much you can save!

Are solar panels worth the investment?

Solar panels usually require little to no maintenance and can reduce your electric bill to a great extent. With great tax incentives and ultra-low interest rate financing, solar is a great investment in most circumstances.

So if your electricity bills are high and you plan to live in your house for at least 2 years, then solar panels are definitely worth the investment. 

How many solar panels do I need?

The number of solar panels that you need depends on your energy usage. We take a look at your property and average monthly usage and build you a custom design report free of charge that shows you exactly how many panels you need, how much your system would cost, how much you can save each month and how much of a tax incentive you would qualify for.

For example: If an average household uses 10,400 kwh/year then you will need 28-34 solar panels to cover 100% of your household needs. Given that you use 250 watt solar panels.

Why is solar energy important?

Solar energy is the most commonly used form of renewable energy. Unlike many other conventional forms of energy, no greenhouse gases are released in the environment when you use solar energy. This helps to make the planet more sustainable and reduces our carbon footprint.

So your decision to shift to solar energy is not only great for your own pocket but it also has a great role in protecting the planet for generations to come.

How do solar panels help the environment?

Solar panels use sunlight to produce electricity. The sun provides more energy to earth than we will ever be able to use making it a non-depletable source of energy. This decreases our dependence on energy sourced from fossil fuels such as oil and coal that produce extremely harmful greenhouse gas emissions.

Solar panels also do not produce any air pollution. As a replacement of the traditional sources of energy, the solar panels are a great way of reducing harmful gases from the environment.

How much can I save each month with solar?

How much you save every month by installing solar panels depends on your energy usage. Southern Arizona is a terrific climate for solar energy due to our many long days of sunshine.

Most of our customers are able to get their total monthly electric payments about 40% less with solar energy. So rather than paying $250 on average to TEP, they are paying about $130 per month for their solar and about $10 per month to TEP. Not to mention their tax credit and cash rebate!

What should I do if my solar panel is damaged or broken?

If your solar panel is damaged or broken, you should contact a professional installer to repair it. Solar panels are delicate devices and can be easily harmed. Additionally, improper installation could lead to damage and even failure of the entire system.

What should I do if my solar panel doesn't seem to be generating as much power as it used to?

If your solar panel is not generating the same amount of power it used to, there are a few things you can do. First, make sure that your system is properly installed and connected to the grid. Second, check for damage or wear on your panels. Finally, consider replacing your panels if they are near their expiration date.

What are some other financing options available for solar panel installation?

There are a number of financing options available for solar panel installation. These include loans, grants, and Solar Investment Tax Credits (ITCs). For more information, check out our article on financial options for solar panel installation.


Can solar panels be damaged by the sun?

Yes, solar panels can be damaged by the sun. This is due to UV rays and heat that can cause thin film degradation and premature panel failure. To reduce the likelihood of this happening, install your system in an area that gets partial or no sunlight during peak hours.

Will solar energy generate enough power to meet my needs?

There is no one right answer to this question. Solar energy depends on a number of factors, such as the location and size of your system, the time of year, and the amount of sunlight available. If you are not sure if solar energy will be sufficient for your needs, consult an expert.

What is the lifespan of a solar panel?

The lifespan of a solar panel varies depending on the weather and condition of the system. In general, most panels will last around 25 years.

Do solar panels work in cold climates?

Solar power is effective regardless of the temperature outside. However, if your system is installed in a cold climate, you may need to consider adding extra insulation or installing a heat pump that can help reduce energy costs.

What restrictions or certifications does solar power require?

Solar power requires no special certification. However, in some cases, your municipality may have zoning laws that require a certain amount of solar energy to be used in a building or land area.

Do you think solar panels will ever be affordable for the average person?

Yes, solar panels will become more affordable as the technology improves and prices drop. SolarCity offers a variety of financing options that can help make solar panel installation more affordable for the average person.

Are there any other ways to generate energy that don’t involve using harmful chemicals?

Yes, there are other ways to generate energy that don’t involve using harmful chemicals. One example is hydropower. Hydropower uses the power of flowing water to turn turbines and create electricity.

Who do you think would be the best person to install your new solar panels?

If you’re not experienced in installing solar panels, it’s important to hire an experienced installer. SolarCity, a leading solar energy company, offers a variety of installation options and has built a network of experts across the country who can help get your system installed quickly and correctly.

What is the difference between solar energy and wind power?

Solar energy and wind power are different forms of renewable energy. Solar energy captures the sun’s rays and turns them into usable electricity, while wind power harnesses the power of winds to turn mechanical gears or generators.

How does solar power work?

Solar power works by capturing the sun’s energy and converting it into usable electricity. This process is called photovoltaics (PV). PV panels use light to turn electrons from the atoms in a solar cell into electrical current.

What are some of the solar panel types available on the market?

There are several different solar panel types available on the market, including residential and commercial solar panels. Commercial solar panels typically have a larger surface area than residential solar panels, which means they can handle more energy in a given amount of time. Additionally, commercial solar panels are often pre-wired with systems that allow them to be integrated into existing electricity grids. Residential Solar Panels typically have smaller surface areas and may not be able to accommodate large grid-connected installations.

How can solar panels help reduce energy costs?

Solar panels can help to reduce energy costs by providing a steady and reliable source of electricity. Additionally, solar power is environmentally friendly, which makes it an ideal choice for times of peak demand or emergency situations.

Can solar panels be used to produce power during the day and use electricity at night?

Yes, solar panels can be used to produce power during the day and use electricity at night. This is called “smart grid technology.” By incorporating smart grid technology into your system, you can maximize your energy output by using surplus daytime energy to help power critical systems at night.

Can solar panels be damaged?

Solar panels can be damaged if they’re hit or struck by an object. Additionally, solar panel installation can be complicated and may require specialized tools and experience. If you’re not experienced in installing solar panels, it’s important to hire an experienced installer.

What's the most important thing to remember when installing solar panels?

The most important thing to remember when installing solar panels is that it’s a long-term investment. Solar panel prices continue to increase over time, so it’s important to factor this into your budget and plan for the future.

What do you think are some of the challenges that will come with using solar panels?

One of the challenges that will come with using solar panels is that they require regular maintenance. Solar panels need to be cleaned and inspected to ensure that they are operating at their best, and any repairs or replacements must be done correctly in order to avoid any future issues. Additionally, solar panel prices continue to increase as technology improves, so it may become more expensive over time to maintain a solar installation.

What advantages do solar panels have compared to other energy sources?

Some things to take into account when installing solar panels include: the location of your home or business, the amount of sunlight available, and your budget.

What advantages do solar panels have compared to other energy sources?

Solar panels are a renewable energy source, which means that they generate electricity without relying on fossil fuels. Solar panels also have low emissions, making them environmentally friendly compared to other types of energy sources. Additionally, solar power is reliable and consistent, which makes it an ideal choice for times of peak demand or emergency situations.

Are there any other ways that solar panels can be used other than just powering homes?

Solar panels can also be used to generate electricity for commercial purposes, such as powering businesses or municipal buildings.

Are there any disadvantages to installing solar panels? If so, what are they?

Some people may have concerns about the long-term impact of installing solar panels on the environment. Others may be concerned about the cost of installation and maintenance. Always consult with a qualified installer to find out if solar panels are the right choice for your specific situation.

What do you think is the most important factor when purchasing solar panels?

The most important factor when purchasing solar panels is to find a qualified installer who can help you choose the right type of panel and installation for your home or business.


What advice do you have for people who are thinking about installing solar panels?

Before you make a decision to install solar panels, it is important to understand the different types of solar panels and their associated costs. You should also consult with a qualified installer to find out the best way to install your solar panels in order to maximize their energy output. Finally, always keep your solar panel installation in mind when making other energy-related decisions, such as choosing which type of electricity provider you want.

Do you think that solar panels are a good investment? Why or why not?

Solar panels are an excellent investment if you want to save money on your electricity bills. Solar panel costs are lower than traditional forms of energy generation, and the installation process is simple. If you’re looking to make a positive environmental impact, solar panels are an ideal choice because they don’t release any harmful emissions into the atmosphere.

Have you ever had any problems with solar panels? If so, how did you solve them?

Occasionally, solar panels may experience a problem when they are not receiving enough sunlight. To solve the issue, you can install shading around your panel or invest in a supplemental solar system that will increase the amount of sunlight reaching the panel.

What should I do if my solar panel is near its expiration date?

If your solar panel is near its expiration date, you should replace it. Solar panels are sensitive and expensive devices, and they will eventually wear out. By replacing your panels before they fail, you can extend the life of your system and save money in the process.

Do I need a permit to install a solar system?

No, you do not need a permit to install a solar system. However, if you are installing your own system, you will likely still need permits from your local municipality or the appropriate authority.

Are there any dangers associated with solar energy?

There are a few potential dangers associated with solar energy. First, improper installation or usage of solar panels can lead to harm or even failure of the system. Second, exposure to the sun’s rays can be harmful if not done correctly. Finally, climate change is expected to cause increased levels of ultraviolet radiation in the future, which could damage solar panels. If you have any questions about these risks, consult an expert.

What is the best way to finance a solar project?

The best way to finance a solar project depends on your circumstances. If you have access to a loan or government grant, borrowing money may be the easiest option. If you are able to secure private financing, investing in stocks or bonds may be more appropriate for you. In either case, it is important to speak with an experienced financial advisor about your specific situation and options.

What are some things to consider when choosing a solar energy system?

There are a few key factors that you will want to take into account when choosing your solar energy system. These include the size of the system, location and orientation of the panels, and array type (solar thermal or photovoltaic). Additionally, it is important to consult with an experienced installer in order to ensure that your installation is done properly. The wrong installation could lead to problems down the road, such as decreased energy production or damage to your system.

What are some of the downfalls of solar panels?

There are several potential downsides to solar panel installations. For example, if your system does not produce enough energy to meet your needs, you may be left with a bill for extra electricity bills or even have your system replaced. Additionally, many people who install their own systems find that they cannot reliably connect their panels to the grid – this could lead to a loss of investment or even homeownership opportunities.

What do you think about the government subsidies for solar panel owners?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the subsidies available will vary depending on your location and solar energy system size. However, generally speaking, it is worth looking into whether or not government subsidies are available in your area before making a decision about installing a solar energy system.

How can you save money on your solar energy system?

There are a few ways to save money on your solar energy system. Some people choose to buy their own panels, while others opt for leasing or purchasing systems through a third-party provider. Additionally, some people find that they can reduce their installation costs by using cheaper materials or hiring an installer who specializes in solar installations.

What kind of technical knowledge is required to install solar panels?

Most solar panel installations are relatively easy, but there are a few basic skills you will need. These include understanding electricity and how it works, knowing about solar energy systems, and having the ability to do some DIY work. If you have any questions about these requirements or want to get started on your installation, consult an expert.

How can you make sure that your solar panel installation is done properly?

Make sure to consult with an experienced installer to ensure that your installation is done properly. The wrong installation could lead to problems down the road, such as decreased energy production or damage to your system.

Why do you think people are so interested in installing solar panels?

There are many reasons why people are interested in installing solar panels. Some believe that solar energy is a more sustainable option than using fossil fuels, and others simply want to reduce their environmental impact. Whatever the reason, there is no doubt that interest in solar systems is growing rapidly.

Can I sell my solar energy back to the grid?

Yes, you can sell your solar energy back to the grid. This is an important way to earn money from your system and help support renewable energy development. Contact your local utility company or another market participant for more information on how to do this.

Do solar panels need to be replaced every few years?

It is not typically necessary to replace your solar panels every few years – however, it is important that you keep an eye on them in order to ensure proper function. If you notice any sign of damage or deterioration, it may be time for a new system.

Do solar panels require maintenance?

Yes, solar panels do require some regular maintenance. For example, you will need to check the insulation on your panels and clean any dust or debris that may have accumulated on them. Additionally, you will want to make sure that your system is connected to the grid regularly in order to receive updates about weather conditions and changes in electricity prices – this will ensure optimal energy production from your panels.

What are the pre-installation requirements for installing solar panels?

There are a few things that you will want to make sure of before installation. For example, you will need to have an accurate estimate of the size and layout of your solar panel system. You will also want to verify that your property is properly zoned for rooftop installations – some areas do not allow such installations.


How big of a system do I need to install?

It depends on your specific needs and preferences. For example, if you’re only interested in generating electricity during the daytime, then a smaller system is likely sufficient. On the other hand, if you want to generate energy at night or during peak demand hours, then a larger system may be necessary.

How would you compare and contrast solar power with other forms of energy?

Solar power is unique in that it doesn’t require any outside resources to function. For example, solar power can be used to generate electricity during the daytime (when the sun is shining) or at night when energy demand is lower. Solar power also has a very low environmental impact – compared to other forms of energy, solar panels have few negative consequences such as air pollution or water usage.

Do you know of any other ways to generate energy that don't use coal or oil?

There are a number of different ways to generate energy that don’t use coal or oil. For example, renewable energy sources such as solar power, hydropower, and wind power can be used to produce electricity. Additionally, biomass – which is the burning of organic materials like wood – can also be used to generate electricity.

What tax breaks are available for solar power?

There are a number of different tax breaks and incentives that are available for those who choose to install solar panels. For example, the US federal government offers a 30% tariff on imported solar cells and modules, which helps to raise the cost of installing a system in America. Additionally, many states offer generous subsidies or rebates for residential solar installations.

Does a solar panel need to be installed on the roof?

No, a solar panel does not need to be installed on the roof. Solar panels can be placed on any flat surface – such as windows or garage roofs – that receives sunlight.

What are some common post-installation issues that homeowners may experience?

Some common post-installation issues that homeowners may experience include: solar panel power output not meeting expectations, troubleshooting and resolving installation issues, connecting and managing systems remotely, weather protection for systems in varying climates

Do you think that solar panels will become more popular in the future?

Yes, I think that solar panels will become more popular in the future. There are a number of reasons for this – solar panel technology is evolving fast, prices for systems have dropped significantly in recent years, and there are now many different options available when it comes to installing solar panels.