A savings report will show you exactly how much you will save each month, if you qualify for a cash rebate and how much of a tax credit you would be eligible for.
Commercial Solar Company Tucson
Get a huge tax credit
Slash your energy bill &
Improve the planet
Commercial Solar in Tucson, AZ
Get a huge tax credit
Slash your energy bill &
Improve the planet
A savings report will show you exactly how much you will save each month, if you qualify for a cash rebate and how much of a tax credit you would be eligible for.
Why wouldn’t you go solar?
We’re here to help you take advantage of all the benefits of going solar and reducing your monthly energy costs.
If you are a business owner and looking to reduce your monthly electricity costs give us a call to get a quote for commercial solar. Pima Solar is here to provide you with the best solar energy solution that suits the needs of your business.
Save money every month on your energy cost
Going solar allows you to instantly reduce or eliminate your monthly energy bill.
Take advantage of huge federal & state tax credits
Claim 26% of installation costs for solar systems placed in service by Dec. 31, 2020.
Take advantage of huge federal & state tax credits
Claim 26% of installation costs for solar systems placed in service by Dec. 31, 2020.
Increase the value of your home or property
In Arizona, solar panels can add 4 to 6 percent to the value of your home.
Take advantage of huge tax credits & reduce your energy bill while helping the planet*
*Restrictions apply
Why solar energy?
Solar energy is the most common form of renewable clean energy. Across the globe, competitive businesses are increasingly realizing the need to reduce their carbon footprint to not only play their role in saving the environment but also to reduce their business overheads over a longer period of time.
Why choose Pima Solar?
We work with skilled, licensed professionals who can design and install the perfect commercial solar system for you. We understand the importance of your investment in Commercial Solar and are here to provide education, and present the best option for your specific goals.
We will take into account your specific goals and objectives and help to present you the perfect solution.
Long term benefits to consider:
Stabilize your power cost
The ever increasing cost of electricity produced through traditional means makes it impossible for any business to calculate their energy costs for the upcoming years. Tucson Electric Power and most energy providers typically have about a 4% annual increase in energy costs. Installing Commercial Solar is an easy way for you to stabilize your energy costs for many years to come.
Green Marketing
What better way is there for you to show the people associated with your business that you care about the environment and are playing your part in protecting the planet. You can use this information in marketing material and aggressively market your business as an environmental friendly organization. This can prove to be a great boost for the profile of your organization.
Take advantage of huge tax credits & reduce your energy bill while helping the planet*
*Restrictions apply
Commercial Solar Installation during construction
If you are planning to construct a new building for your office, farm, school, or for any other purpose then you can save a great deal on the initial installation charges. This can also help you plan your building roof according to your energy requirements.
Carbon Footprint of the Commercial Sector
Electricity used by the commercial sector that is sourced from traditional energy sources is the largest source of Green House Gas Emissions in the world. The carbon footprint of the commercial sector is a threat to the sustainability of the planet.
This adds an added responsibility on the commercial sector to go for commercial solar. Industries, schools, hospitals, organizations and every other form of business can play a great role in securing the future of our environment by going solar.
Commercial Solar & Depleting Natural Resources
The depletion of natural resources that are used to mine energy used by ever growing commercial sectors pose another threat to the sustainability and growth of the commercial sector throughout the world.
It is a time to explore the alternate clean energy sources at a pace faster than ever before. Solar energy is the most widely used form of clean energy. The benefits of the commercial sector shifting to solar are far beyond what most people realize and can make a big impact for centuries to come.
Solar Power & Economic Growth
For the long term economic growth of the commercial sector of any country it is imperative that there is a trend of shifting to solar energy. In the future, the traditional sources of energy will no longer be enough to support and sustain the rate at which the economy is currently growing.
The renewable energy sector, the largest part of which consists of solar energy will have to step up to sustain the economic growth.
Demand for the Commercial Solar
In order for the commercial solar sector to be able to support economic growth, it is important that this sector innovates, grows and increases its capacity every year.
This growth of the commercial solar sector is not possible without an increased investment in green sustainable energy.
In today’s commercial world, the only way to increase the investment in commercial solar is by increasing the demand of solar energy instead of traditional energy sources.
The commercial sector is the largest driver of the energy demand and a shift to solar energy will catalyze the growth of the commercial solar sector. The growth of commercial solar is a positive sign for our planet, long term economic sustainability and also for your business.
If you have any other questions then feel free to ask by calling us at: 520-333-6817